Psychology: Health |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
18 Credit Hours
This program is offered by the College of Science and Health/Psychology Department听and is only available at the St. Louis main campus.
For information on the general requirements for a minor, see Minor under the Academic Policies and Information section of this catalog.
Program Description
The health psychology minor is appropriate for students who wish to explore the application of psychology to the field of health.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:
- Describe the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings and historical trends in health psychology.
- Implement the use of scientific reasoning to interpret psychological phenomena and demonstrate the ability to interpret, design and conduct basic psychological research using statistical analysis.
- Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice and apply those standards to build and enhance interpersonal relationships locally and globally.
- Demonstrate effective writing, exhibit effective presentation skills and interact effectively with others.
- Discuss the occupational pursuits available in a variety of settings given their psychological knowledge, skills and values.
Special Requirements
In addition to the general University requirements for a minor:
- The psychology: health minor can be earned by students completing the psychology BA, psychology BS or the psychological science BS provided they do not count any of the 18 hours listed under the required minor course list toward the major.
- Students who transfer any required course for the minor (e.g., PSYC 3125) must take an additional 3 credit hour PSYC elective per substitution at 51成人猎奇. A maximum of two such substitutions are permitted.
Prerequisite Courses
- PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology (3 hours)
Required Courses
- PSYC 4300 Health Psychology (3 hours)
- PSYC 4650 Biopsychology (3 hours)
Elective Courses
12 credit hours from the following courses:
- PSYC 3125 Abnormal Psychology (3 hours)
- PSYC 3150 Positive Psychology (3 hours)
- PSYC 3600 Social Psychology (3 hours)
- PSYC 3625 Motivation and Emotion (3 hours)
- PSYC 3725 Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making (3 hours)
- PSYC 4400 Human Sexuality (3 hours)
- PSYC 4550 Drug and Chemical Dependency (3 hours)
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