Anthropology: Archaeology Focus |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
18 Credit Hours
This program is offered by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences/Global Languages, Cultures and Societies Department. It is only available at the St. Louis main campus and at the Athens campus.
For information on the general requirements for a minor, see Minor under the Academic Policies and Information section of this catalog.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the history and theory of cultural anthropology, characterize various types of ethnographic work and describe the ways applied anthropology can be used to solve human problems.
- Evaluate and critique the assumptions, purposes, methods and ethics of anthropological fieldwork and research.
- Illustrate the centrality of culture in the human experience and apply this understanding to a range of social problems such as class, caste and stratification, race, ethnicity and nationalism, and the unequal access to social resources that emerge from these systems.
- Distinguish individual, social and cultural frames of analysis through the use of social and anthropological theory.
- Demonstrate through the verbal and written forms a multicultural and cross-cultural perspective of our world, and distinguish the factors contributing to diversity and inequality within and among nations.
- Understand our human past and the history of human civilization through archaeological concepts, theories and methods.
Required Courses
- ANSO 1060 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3 hours)
- ANSO 1075 Introduction to Archaeology (3 hours)
- Anthropology and Sociology Electives (6 hours from the following list of approved
- HIST 1010 Topics in History: The Greeks: From Agamemnon to Alexander the Great (3 hours)
- ANSO 1085 Human Origins (3 hours)
- ANSO 1095 Introduction to Geography: World and Regional (3 hours)
- ANSO 2025 Topics in Archaeology* (3 hours)
- ANSO 3110 Advanced Topics in Archaeology* (3 hours)
- ANSO 3910 Social Science Lab (3 hours)
- ANSO Electives (6 hours)
*Courses marked with an asterisk are only available at the Webster Athens campus.
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