Animation (BA) |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
This program is offered by the School of Communications/Media Arts Department听and is only听available at the St. Louis main campus.
Program Description
The BA in animation offers students the opportunity to learn core principles and techniques focusing on storytelling, motion, drawing, performance and expression through traditional and digital forms. Each student will undertake an intensive course of study including character animation, experimental concepts, fine art techniques and diverse applications, building a strong, global foundation before embarking upon an eventual area of concentration.
Learning Outcomes
Successful graduates of the animation program will be able to:
- Create animation with fundamental and technical proficiency.
- Express visual concepts artistically.
- Integrate storytelling and performance.
- Synthesize theory and practice creating animation from a global perspective.
Degree Requirements
For information on the general requirements for a degree, see Baccalaureate Degree Requirements听under the Academic Policies and Information section of this catalog.
- 57 required credit hours
- Applicable University Global Citizenship Program hours
- Electives
Required Courses
- ANIM 1000 Animation I (3 hours)
- ANIM 1010 Animation II (3 hours)
- ANIM 1040 Storyboarding (3 hours)
- ANIM 2000 Advanced Animation (3 hours)
- ANIM 2200 3D Modeling (3 hours)
- ANIM 3010 Voicing Your Creation (3 hours)
- ANIM 4000 Animation Seminar (3 hours)
- ANIM 4010 Character Design (3 hours)
- ANIM 4620 Senior Overview* (3 hours)
or MDST 4950 Internship* (3 hours) - ART 1110 Introduction to Drawing (3 hours)
- FLST 2060 Modern World Cinema (3 hours)
- FLST 2070 History of Animation (3 hours)
- FTVP 1400 Graphics and Effects (3 hours)
- MDST 2500 Professional Development for Media Careers (3 hours)
- SCPT 3300 Writing the Short Script (3 hours)
* Capstone Course
A minimum of 12 credit hours must be chosen from the following:
- ANIM 1200 3D Character Sculpting (3 hours)
- ANIM 2010 Experimental Animation (3 hours)
- ANIM 2040 Cartooning (3 hours)
- ANIM 3040 Comic Book Creation (3 hours)
- ANIM 3150 Special Topics in Animation (3 hours)
- ANIM 3200 3D Animation and Rigging (3 hours)
- ANIM 4040 Concept Art (3 hours)
- ANIM 4200 3D Animated Short Film (3 hours)
- ANIM 4400 Photorealistic 3D Animation (3 hours)
- ART 1120 Principles of Drawing (3 hours)
- ART 2110 Figure Drawing (3 hours)
- ART 2120 Intermediate Drawing (3 hours)
- EPMD 1040 Visual Storytelling (3 hours)
- FLST 1000 Film and Television Appreciation (3 hours)
- FLST 2050 History of Film (3 hours)
- FTVP 2400 Motion Graphics (3 hours)
- FTVP 2450 Visual Effects (3 hours)
- FTVP 3500 Production House (3 hours)
- GAME 2600 Game Art (3 hours)
- GAME 4600 Video Game Production (3 hours)
- SCPT 2900 Scriptwriting (3 hours)
- SCPT 3500 Writing Screenplays for Film (3 hours)
- SPCM 3500 Presentations for Media Professionals (3 hours)
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