
Financial Information


Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025

Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.

Financial Aid

51’s Financial Aid Office offers a comprehensive program of financial aid resources for students needing supplemental financial support for their educational expenses.

To apply for federal, state, and institutional aid, a student must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA can be accessed online at . 51’s academic year begins with the summer semester and ends with the following year's spring semester (Summer, Fall, Spring). Webster's Spring semester usually ends in the 2nd week of May. To be considered for priority financial aid, FAFSA must be submitted by February 1st of each calendar year. In general, the FAFSA opens October 1st of each calendar year, to apply for aid for the academic year. Students should make sure to complete the FAFSA and any other requirements communicated by the Financial Aid Office prior to the end of the previous academic year. As some funds are offered on a first come, first served basis, completing the FAFSA after the February 1st priority deadline, or failure to submit any required documents in the timeframe specified, may result in a reduction in overall gift and campus-based aid availability. 

If a student chooses to borrow a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will have the responsibility to repay the full amount of the loan borrowed plus any interest that may have accrued, per the terms specified in the loan agreement.

Cost of Attendance

An important part of determining a student's eligibility for financial aid is calculating the Cost of Attendance (COA). In accordance with federal regulations, 51 has developed a Cost of Attendance (i.e., budget) for the  anticipated expenses a student may incur during the academic award year. These expenses include tuition and fees, housing, food, books and supplies, transportation, and personal expenses.

Housing and food can refer to either on-campus or off-campus living expenses. Expenses are also considered for students who live at home with parents or relatives. Travel expenses include items such as gasoline, vehicle maintenance and insurance. Personal expenses include reasonable estimates for laundry, clothing, and entertainment. Many of the elements in the Cost of Attendance are estimates, so it is possible for a student to spend more or less than anticipated during any given year.

How Financial Need is Determined

After the FAFSA is processed by the Department of Education, it produces the Student Aid Index (SAI). This number results from the information provided on the FAFSA. The SAI is an eligibility index number that a school's financial aid office uses to determine students' eligibility for certain types of student aid. Calculation of an SAI takes into consideration both the contributor's contribution (if applicable) and the student's contribution. For independent students, there is no contributor contribution unless they are married filing separately. .

Federal Financial Aid Student Eligibility

To be considered for federal financial aid, also referred to as Title IV funds, a valid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required.

Gift Aid

Gift aid includes scholarships (awards for academic achievement, community service, demonstrated leadership, artistic talent, etc.) and grants (funding to meet a student’s need as determined by the federal formula used when filing a FAFSA). These programs reduce school costs but do not require repayment and/or work as a condition of receiving the funds.

Webster has a wide range of institutional scholarship programs for both incoming freshmen and new transfer students that are applied to tuition and other charges payable to Webster.

Scholarships and grants awarded to the student from outside sources are required to be reported to the financial aid office, so that these resources can be included in the overall financial aid offer. Students may report all outside scholarships in their Financial Aid Portal. Please report any outside financial resources no later than one month prior to the first day of classes. Please note, per federal requirements, the financial aid office may need to reduce previously offered aid to accommodate outside resources within the overall cost of attendance

The University reserves the right to revise any gift aid offered based on new information. Initial aid eligibility is calculated based on the information available at that time

Self-Help Aid

Student loans may be used to address any expenses billed by 51, as well as any personal expenses, or other educationally related expenses. 51 participates in the Federal Direct lending program that offers Direct Subsidized, Unsubsidized, and PLUS loans. Students are welcome to seek out a private loan for educational purposes from a lender of their choosing. 

Federal loans allow students to defer payment until after leaving the University or dropping below half-time enrollment. Some loans carry an interest subsidy. All have long-term repayment and controlled fixed interest rates.

There are also privately funded alternative educational loan programs designed to supplement institutionally administered Federal loan programs. These are not federally insured and may or may not carry a higher, variable interest rate and/or may require a credit worthy co-signer with a favorable credit history.

Second undergraduate bachelor’s degrees will be funded through loan programs only. For students working on a second undergraduate degree, federal and private loan programs are the only available aid programs. Federal loan limits for undergraduates are set at $31,000 and $57,500 for dependent and independent students, respectively. Any funds borrowed for the original bachelor’s degree is deducted from the aggregate loan limit for the student’s dependency classification to determine loan funds still available. The actual dollar amount awarded is determined by completing a FAFSA for each academic year of study, grade level, and overall enrollment level for the semester. Students will receive notification of funding eligibility for the year, via the financial aid offer.


Financial aid refunds are processed through the Bursar's Office (Business Office). 

Satisfactory Academic Progress

According to the United States Department of Education regulations, all students applying for federal and/or state financial assistance must maintain satisfactory progress in their course of study to receive these funds. These standards stipulate, but are not limited to, maintaining acceptable grades, completing a sufficient number of credit hours per semester and completing a degree within a reasonable time frame. A student who does not meet these standards is not eligible to receive federal, state and/or institutional financial aid. All semesters of attendance are considered for satisfactory progress regardless of whether the student received aid. Adherence to the following standards will be necessary for continued financial aid eligibility. A student must be making academic progress regardless of whether the student had previously received aid. Before aid is disbursed, a student’s progress will be evaluated annually after spring semester grades are recorded. Any student who has not previously received financial aid may not be notified of their status until they apply for financial aid.

Satisfactory Academic Progress is determined by:

  • Qualitative Measurement (GPA)
    • Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average based upon institutional hours attempted to remain in good standing.
  • Quantitative Measurement: Pace of Progression (Credit Hours)

Students must complete attempted hours according to the following:

  • Completion of 67% of cumulative hours attempted (i.e., a student attempts 15 hours and must complete 10 hours).
  • Course grades of "I", "WF”, “W”, or "F" are considered as attempted and not completed.
  • Course grade of Pass/Fail, will be counted in the total number of attempted hours. If the course is successfully completed, the credits are added to the total number of earned credit hours but the Pass grade is not included in the GPA calculation. Failing a course of this type will negatively impact the progression and GPA requirement.
  • Courses completed at 51 as well as courses transferred and accepted by 51 are considered in the Pace of Progression completion rate.
  • Once a student completes the coursework for a class in which they had previously earned a grade of "I", they must notify the Financial Aid Office of the completion and the financial aid status will be reviewed and updated.

Maximum Time-Frame

Degree requirements must be completed within a specific time frame. The maximum time frame for an Undergraduate Degree at 51 is 180 credit hours (120 credit hours x 150%). Hours earned at Webster as well as hours transferred and accepted by Webster are considered in this time frame. Any student who has exceeded the maximum time frame and/or who mathematically cannot finish the program within this period will be considered ineligible for financial aid. 51 understands students may change their educational goals and programs of study and additional education is often needed to enhance career opportunities. These students may provide a written request for reevaluation of their status.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Monitoring

Students are reviewed for GPA, Pace of Progression, and Maximum Timeframe annually at the end of each Spring semester. Students who are on academic plan Probation for financial aid will be evaluated at the end of each semester (Summer, Fall, Spring), to determine whether their probationary status will be continued.

Suspension/Academic Plan Probation Status

A student will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension if:

  • The student's cumulative GPA is less than the stated requirement in the Qualitative Measurement section.


  • The student has not successfully completed the minimum 67% of attempted hours including transferred hours.

A student placed on financial aid suspension will lose eligibility to receive financial assistance. Students will receive a notice in writing of their suspension status from the Financial Aid Office.

Non-Satisfactory Progress Appeal

If there are extenuating or mitigating circumstances contributing to the inability to meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements, a student who has been suspended from financial aid may complete and submit a Non-Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form (available online or in the Financial Aid Office) for reinstatement of financial aid within thirty (30) days of notification. Students may appeal for one of the following reasons:

  • The death of a relative to the student.
  • Severe injury or illness of the student.
  • Other extenuating circumstances which may include but are not limited to:
    • Severe illness of a relative for whom the student has custodial responsibility.
    • Emergency situations such as fire or flood.
    • Military reassignment, required job shift change, or job transfer preventing the student from completing a semester.
    • Separation or divorce.

Such an appeal must be accompanied by supporting documentation and be submitted to the Financial Aid Office which will forward the appeal to the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeals Committee.

A student placed on a Financial Aid Academic Plan Probation:

  • Will be reviewed at the end of each semester for continued eligibility.
  • Must achieve a Qualitative Measurement (GPA listed above) and Pace of Progression (67% of attempted hours completed) each semester.
  • Will lose all financial aid eligibility in future semesters and be placed on Financial Aid Suspension if either or both measurements are not achieved with no opportunity for appeal.


A student who has been suspended from financial aid for failing to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress and has not had an appeal accepted may be eligible for reinstatement if they enroll in courses at their own expense and meets the criteria listed for cumulative Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students must notify the Financial Aid Office by submitting another Non-Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form.

The 51 Financial Aid Office will attempt to notify, in writing, any student currently receiving financial aid who is placed on Financial Aid Suspension. However, failure to receive such notification does not relieve the student of the requirement to read, understand and follow the Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements for Financial Aid Recipients.

University Withdrawal

If a student fully withdraws from the university, the Bursar Office may adjust their charges based upon their withdrawal date and the 51 Refund Policy. For the university refund policy, refer to the University Business Office website.

Students must earn the federal aid that they receive each semester by attending, and successfully completing the courses for which they register. Regardless of any adjustment to a student's charges, if the student fully withdraws from the university, financial aid may be adjusted based on the percentage of the semester completed before withdrawal. In some cases, Federal Return of Title IV (R2T4) Funds regulations may require that aid be returned to the federal government for students who withdraw from 51. Financial aid is awarded for the entire term and if a student withdraws prior to the end of a term, then the Return of Title IV Fund rules will determine how much financial aid has been earned.

The student can keep the earned amount for the term, but the unearned portion must be immediately returned to the federal government. In some situations, this will leave the student with a balance owed to the university. A student should contact the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing from a course or term to understand the effects this action may cause to financial aid eligibility.

Veterans’ Educational Benefits

51 courses of study are approved for veterans' educational benefits in compliance with prescribed regulations by special approval agencies in each state and for each foreign country where the University offers programs. Non-degree students are not eligible for VA educational benefits.

The regional VA office will be notified of the date on which a student officially ceases attendance if veterans' educational benefits apply. Except under extenuating circumstances, students receiving VA benefits who withdraw from a course will be reported to the VA offices as making unsatisfactory progress.

Records of progress are kept by the institution on both veteran and non-veteran students. Progress records are furnished to all students at the end of each scheduled term. The policy and regulations regarding student standards of progress for graduation are detailed under Undergraduate Grading Policy of the Academic Policies and Information section of this catalog. Additional information may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar at the St. Louis main campus.

Veterans who provide 51 with a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance from the VA under chapter 31 & 33 will be allowed to access classes, libraries or other institutional facilities even if payment from the VA is delayed. Students will not need to seek additional funding or incur late fees due to a delayed disbursement.

Any conduct that is detrimental to the school and/or other students will result in the termination of VA educational benefits. The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for financial aid also applies to VA educational benefits.

Return to Title IV (R2T4)

Financial aid is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the financial assistance is awarded. The federal government mandates that students who withdraw or fail to complete all classes (unofficial withdrawal) within a term may only keep the financial aid they have “earned” up to the time of withdrawal. Any unearned aid must be returned regardless if it has already been disbursed.

This is called Return of Title IV Funds or R2T4. It can result in the student owing aid funds to the University, government, or both. Title IV funds include federal programs such as the Pell Grant, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Direct Stafford Loans (both subsidized and unsubsidized loans), Parent Plus Loan for Undergraduates and the Graduate Plus Loan.

The higher number of class days completed, the lower the amount of financial aid that must be returned. Once a student has completed more than 60% of the semester, the student is allowed to keep 100% of aid even if a withdrawal occurs after that point. If you are considering withdrawing it is encouraged to speak with our office so we can advise and provide you the best information possible prior to withdrawing.

51 is required to return a portion of federal aid if a student withdraws on or before completing 60% of the semester. Webster will return funds on behalf of the students to the appropriate federal aid program, which may cause the student to incur a balance. Students are required to repay any balance owed to Webster before transcripts or diplomas will be released or before students can register for an upcoming semester. Any federal loan amount owed by the student is to be repaid under the terms of the promissory note.

If the amount disbursed to you was less than the amount you earned, you may be eligible to receive a post-withdrawal disbursement of the earned aid that was not received. You will be notified by the financial aid office if you are eligible for this disbursement.

Funds will be returned in the following order per federal regulations:

  • Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loan
  • Subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loan
  • Grad Plus Loan
  • Federal Plus Loan
  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant
  • Pell Grant
  • Unsub
  • Sub
  • Perkins

How am I notified if I owe a balance due to R2T4?

The Financial Aid Office will notify you regarding a balance due to R2T4 via email and sending a letter to your mailing address that you have on file. Any account balance will also appear on the bill. You are responsible for maintaining an updated address, phone number, and email address with the Registrar.

Does withdrawing affect Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)? 

Yes, withdrawing may have an effect on your SAP. Please review our eligibility requirements for maintaining SAP for subsequent semesters. 

If I withdraw what happens to future semesters of aid?

If you withdraw or stop attending in the fall term, we will cancel the spring disbursements of your loans and any grants you were receiving. If you plan to return in the spring you will need to a Financial Aid Change Request Form to request our office to reinstate your semester’s awards. If you withdraw in the spring you will need to submit a Summer Application to be awarded summer aid.

If you have had a Federal Loan as part of your financial aid, either this year or in previous years, you are required to complete Loan Exit Counseling any time you fall below half-time enrollment. If you have taken out loans for the semester in which you withdrew, these loans will still count towards your aggregate limit.

Scholarship Programs

51 funds the 51 Scholarship Program through the University’s annual operating budget.

The following are application guidelines:

  1. Applicants are seeking their first bachelor's degree.
  2. Applicants have a minimum cumulative grade average of B or better (as calculated by 51) on all prior work attempted in high school and/or college.
  3. Applicants are accepted to the University as a degree-seeking student by April 1st (freshmen) or June 1st (transfers). The deadline for international students is March 1st. Some scholarships require a separate application and have deadlines as early as February 15th. Please consult the Scholarship page at www.webster.edu/financialaid/undergraduate-financialaid.php for more information.
  4. Applicants must enroll as full-time students and take 13 or more credit hours (known as flat fee) in each semester. (A limited number of scholarships for part-time students (less than 13 credits per semester) are offered.)

To be considered for 51 scholarship funds, the following items must be submitted:

  • Completed admission application.
  • Secondary or postsecondary transcripts.
  • ACT or SAT composite scores (freshmen only — unless applying test optional).

Some scholarships require a separate application form, which may be obtained in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or online at /admissions. The University’s decision is communicated in writing, normally within two weeks of committee review. The selection process for scholarship candidates is competitive and scholarship funds are awarded by the University without regard to financial need. Awards apply only to fall and spring semester tuition charges at Webster.

Applicants who are accepted or submit required credentials after the scholarship application deadline are considered only if funds remain. Scholarship funds are only applied to tuition costs. Need-based financial assistance is also available to U.S. citizens and others who meet eligibility guidelines.

Scholarship Process

Scholarship decisions are based on the University's evaluation of an applicant's previous academic background.

Freshmen Academic Scholarships

Freshman applicants will be considered for scholarship based upon the applicant’s academic grades in high school, class rank in high school, overall high school extra-curricular achievement and engagement, and academic statement. The applicant’s résumé of school/community activities and letters of recommendation are also considered in the awarding of academic scholarships.

Transfer Academic Scholarships

Transfer applicants who have successfully completed at least 30 college-level, graded, transferable credit hours will be considered for scholarship based on the cumulative post-secondary grade point average (GPA).

An applicant who has successfully completed fewer than 30 credit hours must also submit a high school transcript. Scholarship decisions for these students are normally based on the cumulative postsecondary GPA and the high school transcript.

International Academic Scholarships

International applicants will be considered for merit-based International Academic Scholarship based upon the scholarship application, applicant's cumulative grade point average (GPA) at high school and/or university, and essay. The applicant's class rank in high school, overall high school extra-curricular achievements and engagements may also be considered in awarding academic scholarships. International Academic Scholarships are awarded for the duration of the program. Students receiving the scholarship are expected to be in good standing to continue receiving the scholarship.  

Eligibility Notification

A scholarship applicant receives written notification of the University’s decision. A student who is awarded a 51 scholarship receives a contract that details the amount, eligibility requirements for the disbursement of funds and the conditions for renewal. 51 scholarships apply to tuition only at the University and are not linked to a student’s major area of study. Funding such as the Federal Work Study and Federal Student Loans (if eligible) must be accepted by the student within the Financial Aid Portal located within Connections.

Academic Scholarship Renewal

51 scholarships are renewable if the recipient makes satisfactory academic progress as defined in the scholarship contract, maintains continuous enrollment in a minimum of 13 credit hours each semester at Webster and has not exceeded eight full time semesters for freshmen and four full time semesters for transfer students. Student records are checked at the end of the spring semester to determine whether the recipient has achieved satisfactory academic progress for renewal.

Other Scholarships

Scholarship funds donated to 51 for specific needs and purposes are awarded to eligible students by the University’s Scholarship Committee. These funds carry special eligibility requirements and conditions. (Unless otherwise specified, all scholarships are for study at the St. Louis campus.)