WRIT - Writing |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
Global Citizenship Program Knowledge Areas听听(....) |
ARTS | Arts Appreciation |
GLBL | Global Understanding |
PNW | Physical & Natural World |
QL | Quantitative Literacy |
ROC | Roots of Cultures |
SSHB | Social Systems & Human Behavior |
Global Citizenship Program Skill Areas (....) |
CRI | Critical Thinking |
ETH | Ethical Reasoning |
INTC | Intercultural Competence |
OCOM | Oral Communication |
WCOM | Written Communication |
** Course fulfills two skill areas |
WRIT 1000 Basic Writing Workshop (1-3)
Provides extra support and practice with basic college-level writing skills: assignment comprehension, critical reading, invention, thesis听development, organization, style, usage and mechanics. Meets as a workshop in which students' writing will be the focus of the class.听When offered as a 1-credit class, must be taken along with WRIT 1010 unless permission is given by the English Department.
WRIT 1010 The Craft of College Writing (3)
College writing is more than an exercise to build skills. In this course, students will learn to produce writing that matters to larger academic conversations. Students will become active readers who critically engage with and respond to the significant, complex questions they encounter in texts. They will also use the writing process to engage in inquiry and analysis and ultimately craft clear, correct and compelling statements of their own ideas and arguments. GCP Coding: (WCOM)
WRIT 2000 Advanced College Writing (3)
Offers further development of the skills learned in WRIT 1010, with more emphasis on how to incorporate research into writing. May be repeated for credit.听Prerequisite: WRIT 1010 or the equivalent. GCP Coding: (WCOM)
WRIT 2072 Writing for Social Change (3)
Students will learn the research, writing, and rhetoorical skills necessary to work for social change. We will analyze current social situations and injustices and study persuasic psychology and the power of story to create change. We will look at rhetorics and social-change efforts of the past to see what's still applicable today. And students will plan and craft writing across a multiplicity of connected platforms and modes to address current, real-world issues. This course will feature both individual and group writing, and will use peer-review processes, guest speakers, and community engagement as high-impact practices.听听
WRIT 2090 Writing in the Workplace (3)
Students will improve overall communication skills while learning the basic forms and conventions of workplace writing. Assignments will include memos and letters responding to a variety of rhetorical situations (e.g., informative, persuasive, negative), job application letters and r茅sum茅s, a short report and an oral presentation. The course will emphasize the planning and drafting process and include peer response workshops. GCP Coding: (WCOM)
WRIT 2400 Introduction to Professional Writing (3)
This course takes a rhetorical approach to professional writing, providing tools and strategies for analyzing specific writing situations in order to approach them as effectively and efficiently as possible. It also allows students to investigate the roles that writing plays in a variety of professions and workplaces while developing a stronger sense of their own strengths, challenges and interests as writers.听GCP Coding: (WCOM)
WRIT 2500 Writing About Science (3)
This course gives students the opportunity to research and write about scientific topics, with equal emphasis on developing overall communication skills and learning about natural phenomena and the methods scientists use to understand and explain them. Major assignments will include informative, persuasive and multi-modal communications about a variety of scientific phenomena and issues. The course will emphasize the planning and drafting process and include peer response workshops. GCP Coding: (PNW) (WCOM)
WRIT 3100 Report and Proposal Writing (3)
Students will learn how to research, plan and write reports and proposals, including grant proposals, for a range of organizations, audiences and purposes. The course will emphasize peer response workshops and revision. GCP Coding: (WCOM)
WRIT 3200 Technical Writing (3)
Students will learn principles and strategies for communicating technical information,
including audience analysis; techniques for gathering, interpreting and presenting
information; and appropriate styles and formats. Assignments may include designing
instruction manuals and Web pages, writing technical reports, designing page layouts,
integrating graphics and creating effective oral presentations.听
WRIT 3300 Solving Information Problems (3)
Students will learn to find, evaluate and present information with a focus on exploring research methods and sources in their own prospective fields. Assignments will include various types of research, including personal interviews, surveys, market research, library research and research on the internet, including social networks.
WRIT 3400 Editing and Style (3)
This course directs students' attention to the sentence level, providing them with the skills to edit their own writing and that of others for concision, clarity and grace.听
WRIT 4000 Topics in Professional Writing (3)
Covers specialized topics in professional writing such as editing and publishing, writing for nonprofit organizations and writing on nature and environment. May be repeated for credit if content differs.听Prerequisite: Junior standing or above or permission of the instructor.
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