

LATN - Latin


Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025

Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.

Course Descriptions

Global Citizenship Program
Knowledge Areas
ARTS Arts Appreciation
GLBL Global Understanding
PNW Physical & Natural World
QL Quantitative Literacy
ROC Roots of Cultures
SSHB Social Systems & Human Behavior
Global Citizenship Program
Skill Areas
CRI Critical Thinking
ETH Ethical Reasoning
INTC Intercultural Competence
OCOM Oral Communication
WCOM Written Communication
** Course fulfills two skill areas

LATN 1090 Elementary Latin: Level I (1-3)

Introduces the language and culture of ancient Rome. The acquisition of vocabulary, grammatical forms, and linguistic structures enables students to decipher complex Latin sentences and encourages them to think critically about the nature of this language, and that of their own native language. The cultural content of this course touches on the roots of Western civilization and develops students' intercultural skills. May be repeated once for credit with permission of the department chair. GCP Coding: (ROC) (INTC).

LATN 1100 Elementary Latin: Level II (1-3)

This course is a continuation of Elementary Latin I. The remaining grammar, inflected forms, and syntax of Latin are learned, while texts illustrating these various constructions are read. The texts used for translation are stories from Roman mythology and history, and excerpts from classical literature. The cultural content of this course touches on the roots of Western civilization and develops students' intercultural skills. May be repeated once for credit with permission of the department chair.听Prerequisite: LATN 1090 or equivalent.

LATN 2090 Intermediate Latin: Level I (1-3)

This course is a continuation of LATN 1100, with increased emphasis on translation of the classical authors into thoughtful and accurate English and a deeper insight into the culture of Ancient Rome. May be repeated once for credit with permission of the department chair.听Prerequisite: LATN 1100 or equivalent.