ESLG - English as a Second Language |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
Global Citizenship Program Knowledge AreasÌýÌý(....) |
ARTS | Arts Appreciation |
GLBL | Global Understanding |
PNW | Physical & Natural World |
QL | Quantitative Literacy |
ROC | Roots of Cultures |
SSHB | Social Systems & Human Behavior |
Global Citizenship Program Skill Areas (....) |
CRI | Critical Thinking |
ETH | Ethical Reasoning |
INTC | Intercultural Competence |
OCOM | Oral Communication |
WCOM | Written Communication |
** Course fulfills two skill areas |
ESLG 1000 English as a Second Language Program Level 1 (1-10)
The course develops basic listening, speaking, reading, writing, test-taking and classroom skills, appropriate to each student's needs. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.Ìý
ESLG 2000 English as a Second Language Program Level 2 (1-10)
The course strengthens and improves listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing and test-taking skills, appropriate to each individual student's needs. It is taught in conjunction with a content course for which the student will earn 1 credit hour. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.
ESLG 2090 Academic Language Skills: Level 2 (A) (1-8)
Strengthens listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing skills. Proceeds from the basic concrete language to the expression of abstract ideas, with the goal of fluent, correct English. May be repeated once for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.Ìý
ESLG 2100 Academic Language Skills: Level 2 (B) (1-8)
Continuation of ESLG 2090. May be repeated once for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.
ESLG 2170 Conversational English Level 2 (3)
Helps students improve their skills in conversational English. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.Ìý
ESLG 2200 Pronunciation and Diction (3)
Teaches pronunciation and intonation of English, considering the particular difficulties of students' language backgrounds. May be repeated for credit.
ESLG 2230 Academic Reading and Writing Skills: Level 2 (A) (3)
Improves students' decoding skills and increases their level of comprehension through exposure to academic, literary and journalistic readings. These readings serve as source material to develop the students' expository writing skills. They work on paraphrasing, summarizing and outlining, as well as on writing essays and reports. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.Ìý
ESLG 2240 Academic Reading and Writing Skills: Level 2 (B) (3)
Continuation of ESLG 2230. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: ESLG 2230 or placement test.Ìý
ESLG 3070 English as a Second Language Program Level 3 (1-8)
An intensive English course offered in a variety of formats. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisites: Placement test and permission of the ESL Director.Ìý
ESLG 3150 Culture and Civilization of the English-Speaking World (3)
Presents the student with a picture of the social, political and cultural forces that have shaped the United States. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.
ESLG 3170 English Conversation and Classroom Discussion Skills Level 3 (3)
Helps students express ideas orally with clarity and logic; gives practice in the art of persuasion. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.Ìý
ESLG 3230 Reading and Writing Skills: Level 3 (A) (3)
Develops fluency in reading and writing. Reading for comprehension and using summarizing and paraphrasing skills are stressed. Focus is on writing paragraphs and essays, with emphasis on clarity and organization of ideas. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.Ìý
ESLG 3240 Reading and Writing Skills: Level 3 (B) (3)
Continuation of ESLG 3230. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.
ESLG 3310 Advanced Language Skills Level 3 (3)
Students expand active and passive vocabulary and improve oral language skills through content-based academic work in areas such as business and management, media and health care. Computer vocabulary work outside class is required. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.
ESLG 3400 Test Preparation Techniques for International Students (2)
Gives students practice in taking objective and essay tests. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.Ìý
ESLG 3500 Topics (3)
Offers advanced language instruction within a discipline based on content-oriented approach. Issues or topics may vary. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.
ESLG 4000 English as a Second Language Program Level 4 (1-10)
The course strengthens and improves listening comprehension, oral discussion, research reading, expository writing and note-taking skills, appropriate to each individual student's needs. This course emphasizes preparation for graduate and undergraduate school studies. It is taught in conjunction with a content course for which the student will earn 1 credit hour. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.Ìý
ESLG 4010 Public Speaking and Presentation (1-3)
This course develops listening and oral presentation skills based on readings and individual research about current issues and topics assigned in students' content courses. It also includes a study of academic discussion strategies, note taking techniques and listening skills. Listening skills are honed through exposure to recorded and live lectures and classroom discussion. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of the campus ESL Director or admission to the ESL program.
ESLG 4020 Level 4 Pronunciation (1-3)
In this course, students will focus on sentence level pronunciation improvement. Stress, rhythm, pitch, intonation, focus, through groups and linking will be explored. Students will produce language through classroom interactions, group work, presentations and other academic tasks. Independent study based on diagnostic testing and teacher feedback is expected. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of the campus ESL Director or admission to the ESL program.Ìý
ESLG 4035 Extensive Reading (1-3)
The purpose of extensive reading is to build fluency--increase reading rate, vocabulary and overall proficiency as well as to develop a positive attitude and motivation for reading in another language. Students will have regular and sustained opportunities for reading. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of the campus ESL Director or admission to the ESL program.
ESLG 4045 Writing and Grammar (3)
This course is designed to help students become familiar with academic writing. The students will learn essay organization, argumentation and other aspects of writing necessary for success in academia. This will be done through process writing and reflective exercises. The goal is to encourage students to become self-reliant in writing English. This course also provides study and practice of English grammar with an emphasis on using complex grammatical structures in academic work. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of the campus ESL Director or admission to the ESL program.ÌýÌý
ESLG 4050 English as a Second Language Seminar (3)
The course refines research, writing and oral presentation skills, appropriate to each student's needs. Individual projects and assignments are worked on. The focus is on those skills essential to success in graduate school, though undergraduate students certainly will benefit as well. May be repeated for credit, with permission of the ESL Director. Prerequisite: Permission of ESL Director.Ìý
ESLG 4055 Level 4 Grammar (1-3)
This course provides intensive study and practice of English grammar with an emphasis on using complex grammatical structures in academic work and enhancing self-editing skills. Online exercises, textbook assignments, projects and quizzes comprise the main coursework. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of the campus ESL Director or admission to the ESL program.Ìý
ESLG 4070 Academic and Standardized Test Prep (3)
This course emphasizes improving students' test taking skills, especially in preparation for taking standardized tests such as the TOEFL iBT and PBT. Instruction will include general test taking strategies, grammar review, vocabulary review with an emphasis on academic vocabulary, listening and speaking strategies as they pertain to testing situations, and a review of essay test writing.
ESLG 4170 Listening and Note-Taking Skills (3)
Teaches listening for contextual clues; stresses role of background knowledge; and gives practice in effective note-taking. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.Ìý
ESLG 4080 Level 4 Cultural Keywords and Vocabulary (1-3)Ìý
This course will cover language and vocabulary acquisition through common cultural themes and global issues. Through these issues, students will use complex linguistic and cognitive interaction to gain skills and language that are necessary for both academic and social contexts. Topics may include, but are not limited to, globalization, human rights, war/terrorism and the environment. This course will also teach students how to utilize vocabulary strategies to build word knowledge in their specific academic context or major. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of the campus ESL Director or admission to the ESL program.
ESLG 4210 English for Academic Purposes (3)
The course is designed to challenge students with authentic college assignments and college-level material, using an integrated skill and content-focused approach. Assignments and activities provide practice in reading, writing, listening and speaking as well as developing academic vocabulary and grammatical competence so that students learn and practice the skills necessary to succeed in the content-specific courses including business, economics, media studies, management of information systems, and international relations. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of the campus ESL Director or admission to the ESL program.Ìý
ESLG 4250 Research Writing and Library Skills (1-3)
Focuses on the practical use of the library and reference materials for study and research. Students learn to analyze and evaluate information and work through the stages of writing a research paper in content areas such as, but not limited to, business and management, media and international relations. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisite: Placement test.Ìý
ESLG 4270 Writing, Research & Inquiry with Digital/Multimedia Expression (3)
This course develops skills in research and information literacy with the emphasis put on digital/multimedia expression. Students will undertake a research project, exploring new ways to find, evaluate and engage with information from different sources and in different formats. This course explores multiple modes and media and provides students with the skills needed to critically read and strategically compose texts such as podcasts and videos. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of the campus ESL Director or admission to the ESL program.Ìý
ESLG 4400 Writing/Reading Techniques for Graduate Studies (1-3)
Teaches students correct expository writing skills, emphasizing organization and support of ideas and the development of reading comprehension. May be repeated for credit.ÌýPrerequisites: Placement test and permission of the ESL Director.
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